Monday, October 31, 2011

C4K Summary #2

this is a picture of 2 children and the world symbolizing how children  around the world communicate through blogs.

C4K #5
I just left a comment for Ms. She's class in Auckland, New Zealand.  John-Amour did a video explaining how he  can take charge.  I talked about how important the timing of taking charge is.  You don't want to take charge of something at the wrong time and cause any problems.  I am sure that John-Armour will make great decisions about when to take charge.

C4K #6
I just watched a video made by Elizabeth in Ms. Burnes Room 10 class in New Zealand.  She made a video about the World Cup.  She did a great job and I hope she continues to show her creativity in making more movies and sharing them with us.

C4K #7
I just left a comment for Terry, an 8th grader in Ms. C's 7th hour class.  He likes to write and his interests are scary stories.  I left a comment wishing him luck in all of him future writings.  He seems to be very creative and have a humreous personality and I am sure that he will make a great writer.

C4K #8
Today I left a comment on Room 17's blog.  They play a game called Maui and Matau.  I have never heard of this game before.  It sounds like a fast paced game and also one that I would like to try.  I think it is interesting to learn the different games that people of different cultures play.  They have the same goal in mind but how they achieve them can be different.  I like it.

Today I left a comment for Mr. McClung's 8th Grade Class.  They have been discussing their thoughts and opinions on what the effects of the conference of Berlin will have.  They are also discussing how Africa and Europe became so imbalanced over time.  Thursday, they are discussing what happens next after Africa was cut up and divided.  I think it is great to read about other continents and countries and how they are tied in with other countries.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blog #10

This is an image of an apple

In the video "Do you teach or do you educate?", I answered the question before I ever watched it.  My response was an educator because I want my students to look up to me as a mentor and and someone they trust and want to learn from.  After watching the video, I was right.  I want to have a relationship with my students that allows them to trust me, believe me, believe in me and want to come to school because I make learning fun. After watching this video, I have the same outcome to the question yet my feelings are somewhat deeper.  I think that we should all want to be educators.  Otherwise, burp back teaching will never go away.

After reading "Don't let them take the pencils home.", it makes me realize that teachers often focus to hard on the problem.  As teachers, we have got to focus on coming up with solutions that have the students best interests at hand.  I am always trying to find the positive in things.  I think this is a great characteristic for a teacher to have.  I feel that it is important for us to keep as positive of an environment as we can in the classroom.  It will more than likely contribute to higher test scores.  If not, it can't hurt them.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

C4T #3

This is a picture of keyboard keys spelling out blog.

Post #1
Mr. Arvind S Grover has  introduced a LMS in his blog called OpenClass.  It seems to be a great introductory LMS.  He mentions that there is not much room for flexibility.  I would assume that once you figure out how a LMS works, you would upgrade to a more efficient program that would better suit your needs.  This is a great starter program though.

Post #2
In this blog post, Mr. Grover discusses how we are so wrapped up in making healthy choices for children for Halloween that we don't take the time to consider their costumes.  Are they racist?  I had never really thought about that.  If you are going to go in costume as someone that represents another culture, make sure that you are tactful about it.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog #9

This is a picture of a teacher scared about their first day of school

In the blog post "What I have learned this year (2008-09)", Mr McClung makes some great points about being a first year teacher.  I really like what he said about the student writing that the teacher really cares because he listens to me.  What a motivation!!!  This is something that needs to be done for the respect that you are going to want from your students.  I agree with his points on flexibility.  You have to flexible when handling children.  They are way to unpredictable to know what will really happen next.  I likes his thought on setting reasonable goals for your students.  You don't want them to be discouraged for not reaching a goal, you want them to challenge themselves to where the goal is reachable with some hard work and dedication.  I couldn't agree more with the never stop learning post.  People are always making new discoveries, trying new things, coming up with new ideas or programs to make something better.  You will never know these things if all you do is go to the classroom, open the book, teach and go home.  Keeping up with the technological world that we live in is a constant learning process but with hard work and dedication, your students will shine and reflect from what you teach them.

In the blog post "What I have learned this year (2010-11), I can see how easy it is to get in a routine and forget about why we are here and what our purpose is.  He makes some great points about how to stay focused.  I can relate to his comments about knowing who your boss is.  I am always trying to please everyone around me.  I really like the comments about don't touch the keyboard.  I am a true believer in thinking that you will only learn it if you do it yourself.  My children get so mad at me because I will not tell them the answer.  I will help them find it but they have to do it.  I think that also teaches them the research skills that they will need to get through life.  You don't always have the answer right there, but can you find it?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Project #13

Due to time restrictions, we put our video in two videos. Please visit the link below for the rest of our video.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Project #12

Blog #8

This picture shows how technology is the key to the world.

In the videos, This is how we dream Part 1 and 2, there is a lot of information.  I think that every time I watch a movie about technology, I learn something new.  Technology is changing and growing, not only daily, but every second.  There is no possible way to be fully updated on the web.  There are so many different teaching techniques that I can incorporate into my classroom by sitting at my desk and playing with some programs.  I want to make teaching different.  In several years, once I get into a classroom, the information and programs that I am learning now will be outdated and new programs will be around.  I do believe that knowing how these programs work today, I will be able to understand more about the programs of the future.  I am going to be prepared to write with multimedia and my students will be able to do this as well.

In Carly Pugh's blog post, she did a great job of demonstrating Dr. Miller's hopes for writing with multi-media.  She has great links to demonstrate what she is illustrating through her writings.  She is also a great writer.  She mentions that she likes to write and is creative.  You can see that in her blog.  She has a great way with words and getting the reactions that she is shooting for.  She shows a great passion for wanting students and others to love some of the stories an authors that she does.  She is able to understand the at not all people love to read like she does and is determined to make a difference and teach from an angle that gives the students what she feels they deserve.  I really liked her idea of having the students rewrite the ending to a famous story or novel.  That is a great idea and it will make them think outside of the box.  There will be no wrong answer, just their ideas and creativity.  I LOVE IT!!!!

In EDM 310 for Dummies, you are taught that you are not the only one, in the beginning, that doesn't understand this class and want to quit.  I know I did.  There is such a large amount of things to remember and work to do but it is all a great in the end (or at least half way through). I think that this video really puts into perspective that all of the hard work and dedication will pay off in the end and you learn so much.  Not only do you learn about the different FREE programs that are available to you, but you also learn how to use them in MANY different and useful ways.  The Chipper Series is a great example of my life.  I went to school and played and partied.  Now that I am a mother and a wife, I realize how important it is to provide fro your family.  I have had several jobs as a server and a couple of hourly jobs and they have paid just enough to provide a roof over our heads and food for the table.  While I am happy about that, I want more for my family and so I am enrolled AGAIN in school and will graduate with my degree in 2 years.  I have learned that you will get further in life if you go ahead in your education but, you won't be successful at it until you are ready.

In Learn to Change, Change to Learn, they do a great job of showing how technology is a way of life and it has been banned from schools.  We can not get away from technology.  It is how this world works.  I have the hope of incorporating technology into my classroom on a daily basis. The lesson plans, the learning tools, the games we play and other ideas.  You must also have that interaction time as well.  You don't want them sitting in front of the computer all day.  Have them make movies and experiment with technology so that they are still active.  I believe that when I am teaching, the technology not allowed in school will change.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Project #10

I really like symbaloo.  It is a quick and efficient tool that I will use in my everyday life as well as my career.  This is a great tool to help you find what you want in a quick matter.  I can't wait to use this tool more.

Blog #7

This is a picture of Randy Pausch.

Wow!!!  What a great speech.  Randy Pausch is very inspirational.  In his speech, he starts by making people aware of his illness.  He has around 10 tumors in his liver and is given 3 to 6 months to live.  There is nothing he can do to change this so he plans on spending his last days playing.  Pausch hits on three topics:  childhood dreams, enabling the dreams of others, and lessons learned.
Pausch had several childhood dreams.  He wanted to be in a zero gravity environment.  He didn't want to be an astronaut, he just wanted to know what it felt like to be in zero gravity.  He wanted to be in the NFL, be an author in World Book Encyclopedia, be Captain Kirk, win the over sized stuffed animals at the fair and be a Disney Imagineer.  He at some point in his life was able to fill every dream except for the NFL dream.  He also says that he learned the most out of not reaching this dream.
Pausch was able to help in enabling the dreams of others.  He had a student that wanted to be a part of the new Star Wars Movies.  After being offered a job at another university, all of Pausch's students followed him but one.  The one who was helping with the sets of the Star Wars Movies.
Pausch has met many people and has many stories to tell about what he has learned from them.  He is happy to say that he has always had good bosses and he will never work for someone that he doesn't like.
There are many people that contributed to making Randy Pausch the successful and motivating man in the video that I watched.  I really enjoyed the video and hope that people in the work place view me in the same sense that he was viewed.

Monday, October 3, 2011

C4T #2

Diagrammix symbol

Week 1
I was just introduced to Angela Doucet Rand. She is using a program she has on her MAC called Diagrammix. She uses this program to learn basic verbal information. She hopes that the new upgrade that comes out will have more options but is happy with what she has now. I commented back telling her that I don't have a MAC but I am considering buying one when I graduate and start my career as a teacher. That program looks like one that I will want and need to invest in.

Week 2
On the next blog that I read, Ms. Rand was having a hard time staying focused on what she was reading.  She has since decided that when she is unable to focus, she goes to the gym and reads while walking on the treadmill.  She finds that if you start slow, hold on, don't wear headphones to drown out the talking and get your blood flowing, you are able to focus more on what you are trying to read.  You are able to read faster and process the information better.  She adds that the bonus of this is that her butt has stopped growing and her reviews are growing.

Blog #6

This is a picture of networked students.
While watching The Networking Student, I am amazed at how much technology is going into teaching.  I have been out of school for several years now and I am not quite up to date with technology.  I think technology in school is great. The students really seem to adapt to it and seem to want to learn more because of the computer interaction.  When the question was asked "Why does the networked student even need a teacher?", the answer seems simple.  The teacher is there to help you know how to use the tools at your disposal to the fullest.  They are to teach you how to research, where to go, what to do, what to ask, and so on.  I think the teacher's job is very important.  It is very important for them to know all about the web sites they are leaching about.  If not, you could teach them a thing or two.  

While watching A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN), I was amazed at how organized this student was.  She had everything this way because she wanted to.  She wanted to make her learning sites easy to access.  She has great things to say about the internet and what is available for students to use.  She made a great point about the amount of freedom that you have and how you must stay away from the social networking sites until it's time for that.  She is right.  You have access to information on ANYTHING!!!  It's a little scary but that just comes with monitoring what your class is researching and browsing for.