Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog #8

This picture shows how technology is the key to the world.

In the videos, This is how we dream Part 1 and 2, there is a lot of information.  I think that every time I watch a movie about technology, I learn something new.  Technology is changing and growing, not only daily, but every second.  There is no possible way to be fully updated on the web.  There are so many different teaching techniques that I can incorporate into my classroom by sitting at my desk and playing with some programs.  I want to make teaching different.  In several years, once I get into a classroom, the information and programs that I am learning now will be outdated and new programs will be around.  I do believe that knowing how these programs work today, I will be able to understand more about the programs of the future.  I am going to be prepared to write with multimedia and my students will be able to do this as well.

In Carly Pugh's blog post, she did a great job of demonstrating Dr. Miller's hopes for writing with multi-media.  She has great links to demonstrate what she is illustrating through her writings.  She is also a great writer.  She mentions that she likes to write and is creative.  You can see that in her blog.  She has a great way with words and getting the reactions that she is shooting for.  She shows a great passion for wanting students and others to love some of the stories an authors that she does.  She is able to understand the at not all people love to read like she does and is determined to make a difference and teach from an angle that gives the students what she feels they deserve.  I really liked her idea of having the students rewrite the ending to a famous story or novel.  That is a great idea and it will make them think outside of the box.  There will be no wrong answer, just their ideas and creativity.  I LOVE IT!!!!

In EDM 310 for Dummies, you are taught that you are not the only one, in the beginning, that doesn't understand this class and want to quit.  I know I did.  There is such a large amount of things to remember and work to do but it is all a great in the end (or at least half way through). I think that this video really puts into perspective that all of the hard work and dedication will pay off in the end and you learn so much.  Not only do you learn about the different FREE programs that are available to you, but you also learn how to use them in MANY different and useful ways.  The Chipper Series is a great example of my life.  I went to school and played and partied.  Now that I am a mother and a wife, I realize how important it is to provide fro your family.  I have had several jobs as a server and a couple of hourly jobs and they have paid just enough to provide a roof over our heads and food for the table.  While I am happy about that, I want more for my family and so I am enrolled AGAIN in school and will graduate with my degree in 2 years.  I have learned that you will get further in life if you go ahead in your education but, you won't be successful at it until you are ready.

In Learn to Change, Change to Learn, they do a great job of showing how technology is a way of life and it has been banned from schools.  We can not get away from technology.  It is how this world works.  I have the hope of incorporating technology into my classroom on a daily basis. The lesson plans, the learning tools, the games we play and other ideas.  You must also have that interaction time as well.  You don't want them sitting in front of the computer all day.  Have them make movies and experiment with technology so that they are still active.  I believe that when I am teaching, the technology not allowed in school will change.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,

    Good post! You seemed to have learned a lot from this writing assignment and learned ways in which to improve your classroom one day. It is great that you are coming back to school and finishing your degree!

    Reminder: Be sure to put links to the assignments in each blog post!
