Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This is a picture of the students doing the work while the teacher observes.

I left a comment on Aviva Dunsiger's blog post. Her blog post is talking about letting students do things themselves. I think that her blog post is very motivating and gives us hope that what we are teaching our students is sinking in. One of her fellow teachers had 2 students that were trying to get a slide show together. After running into many different obstacles, they never gave up. They worked together and communicated and in the end, their show was a success. They never got mad an never wanted to give up. That is very motivating to me. The teacher even admitted that he would have given up long before they ever finished. I think this is a great post so I am putting the link up to share it with you.  http://adunsiger.com/

Today, Aviva's post again talking about stepping back and letting students do their own work.  She had some video's posted of students counting out the coins.  She caught herself helping a student and wished that she had let them do it on their own.  With the next student, she did, and they were able to work it out on their own.  I think that Ms. Dunsiger is a great educator and I hope soon that I am able to record myself with my students as well.

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