Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blog #11

This is a picture of kids using computers

In the video Little Kids...Big Potential, I was amazed at how much the students know about technology.  Before taking this class, they knew more than me.  The blogs are great for the students.  I hope that the school that I teach at will allow my class to have blogs.  The students that use blogs love them and learn more and more from them with every entry.  It helps their writing skills, creative skills and use of technology.  Not to mention that they love getting the comments.  The wiki's that the students created were great as well.  I think it's awesome that the EDM310 students were a part of that.  Also incorporating their Nintendo DS into their learning is great.  They want to play them and are OK with playing games that they learn from.  I think this video was great and I hope to be that same type of educator.

In the Skype Interview, Ms. Cassidy seems to be really excited about her students ability to use technology.  I like her determination.  She is supported by her principal and other staff but she is the one that does this.  The students would not write on blogs, make wiki's, learn how to use their DS in an educational way and so on.  I think that what she is doing is great and it takes an educator like her to make a change in the future for the students.  I have high hopes of making a difference just like she is doing.  I hope that I have the resources for my class to have a class blog.  I think it is awesome for the students.  They strive to do their best because they know that others will be looking at what they have done and they want it to be their best and most creative work.  After so long, that is the work skill that they develop.  I think that Ms. Cassidy is great as what she does and should keep up the good work.


  1. Hey Ashleigh,
    I also LOVED the Little Kids...Big Potential video. I was so amazed to see 6 year olds know how to use blogs and wikis and other technology. Her students seem so intelligent just by listening to them talk. I like what and how Mrs. Cassidy is teaching her students. They are learning to learn on their own, which will help them out later on in life.

  2. Ashleigh,

    Clearly you have found this Blog Assignment useful! It is great that you are thinking of ideas for your future classroom.
